Axis Power 7 Central Wiki
The First Non Blood War
First Nero War
Date: August 2nd, 2008 - August 22nd, 2008


Status: K.L. United Alliance Victory...
  • Kara takes control of Nolan Ross's War Efforts...
  • Echo Park enters Bankruptcy...
Creator: 2091riveraisrael

The First Nero War was a short fan war that took place in 2008, 2 days after the Release of An National Women: Relina Marissia.

The Conflict was known to be fought between Nolan Ross and Kara Leina, for strategic control of Nolan Ross's War efforts.

It was discovered by Carl, that Kara was the one who started the war mostly because of her being angry that Nolan Ross spends more of his time with the E.P than with her.



The First Nero War, also known as the First Non Blood War was a conflict between Echo Park, and the newly created Kara Legion, for strategic control of Nolan Ross's War Efforts.

As the E.P more or less held a highly lucrative monopoly over the vital Larson lands and hang out spots, throughout Michigan. It was almost inevitable that they would be prepared to secede from the United Alliance, once the Kittredge Legion was outta of the way.

The The E.P forces then seized control of large towns in the U.A side, causing Kara's father Jack Larson to join the War Effort.

The better trained and equipped U.A forces managed to retreat intact and in good order to wage a guerrilla campaign that sapped the strength of the E.P forces.

Meanwhile, Kara Leina arrives with reinforcements and smashed into the Norus region, obliterating the entire E.P forces from right in their rear while they were engaged with the U.A forces.

In the heat of the battle, Nolan Ross began to draw his forces out of the Norus region, and strengthen his perimeter around the Larson family home at Karnage town, which was liberated 2 weeks later. The U.A elements than linked with The Kara legion and pushed onward towards Mission Site.

Mission Site came under fire, and was known to be the main supplier of Firearms to Echo Park. This final defeat led to the End of the first Nero War, with Kara Leina celebrating her victory by jumping endlessly on her bed, and hugging her father at the same time. Nolan Ross's war Efforts were shattered, leaving the E.P now under bankruptcy and Chaos.

Echo Park's epic defeat during the First Nero war, coupled with the eventual mass exile of all of its personnel to the hostile regions that now belonged to Jack and Kara Leina, leading to Nolan Ross in creating a more powerful Fan Militia rather than using just people.


